Consumer Arbitration in the US

Consumer Arbitration in the US

2024. október 08. 16:00

ELTE ÁJK, Kari Tanácsterem (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3. fszt.)


2024. október 08. 16:00 -

ELTE ÁJK, Kari Tanácsterem (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3. fszt.)

Nemzetközi Magánjogi és Európai Gazdasági Jogi Tanszék és a University of Miami közötti együttműködés keretében karunkra látogató Professzor Paula C. Arias, Esq. FCiarb (University of Miami, FL, USA) tart egyetemi közösségünk számára nyilvános előadást.

Az előadás összefoglalója:
Consumer arbitration is a phenomenon unique to the legal system of the United States. It is a phenomenon, because most households in the country are subject to arbitration agreements to settle any claim or dispute related to the acquisition of goods or services. Likewise, it is a unique phenomenon, because arbitration agreements for consumer issues are valid and enforceable compared to other places in the world, such as in the European Union and in some Latin American countries such as Colombia, where entrepreneurs are excluded from replacing the option of consumers to go to court or the consumer control body with arbitration at the time of acquire such goods or services. The legal framework explains this reality. It is exposed how the policy in favor of arbitration enshrined in the Federal Arbitration Act, has illuminated the doctrine of the Supreme Court of Justice over the course of the decades, strengthening private consumer arbitration, as a tool to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs; reducing the power of states to regulate the matter to protect consumers; and by qualifying the practices or conduct of the different agents: entrepreneurs, consumers, dispute resolution service providers and judges.  

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További információ az együttműködéssel kapcsolatban elérhető a tanszék oldalán, illetve bármilyen kérdéssel kérjük, keressék Erdős Istvánt (