ELTE ÁJK Jog- és Társadalomelméleti Szeminárium III.

2025. március 12. 16:00 - 17:00
ELTE ÁJK (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3., 401. szoba)
2025. március 12. 16:00 - 17:00
ELTE ÁJK (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3., 401. szoba)
Ole Hammerslev is professor at the Sociology of Law Department, Lund University, Sweden and is a board member of the International Institute of the Sociology of Law, Oñati and the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law.
This talk charts the formative years of Scandinavian sociology of law, centring on the intellectual blueprints laid by its early pioneers – Aubert, Mathiesen, Stjernquist, and Bentzon. It examines their visions for the discipline and the divergent paths of its institutionalisation in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Though embedded differently within each national context, the field evolved in lockstep with the rise of the universal welfare state. These early scholars, in their own distinct ways, probed the legal dimensions of the welfare state, not merely as an academic exercise but as a means to sharpen its legal machinery – aiming, above all, to elevate the conditions of those with the least resources.
Előadás: Forging a Discipline: Early Developments and Diverging Paths of Scandinavian Sociology of Law. Comments by Zoltán Fleck, professor.