ELTE's media law students beat Europe's best

In the 2024/2025 academic year, the team of the Faculty of Law has once again competed in the most prestigious international media law, freedom of expression and privacy contest, the Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competiton. The road to the World Finals of the competition in Oxford leads through six regional qualifiers and the ELTE students showed their skills in the field of European teams between 5 - 7 February 2025, organized by the University of Paris.
At the Group Stage in Paris the best twelve teams of the written round presented their lawsuit. In the 45-minute moot courts the three-member international panel of judges had to be persuaded by relying on the arguments submitted earlier and the judges were free to ask questions from the performers. The jury consisted of renowned lawyers, university lecturers, competitors who had participated in previous moot court competitions and practicing professionals.
In the group matches,ELTE's team of media law students defeated the Greek National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 7 to 2, the Austrian University of Vienna 8 to 1 and the Ukrainian Taras Shevchenko National University 8 to 1. In the final they faced students from the University of Dublin in Ireland whom they defeated 3 to 0 and so they won the European round of the competition. Among the team members, Johanna Lichy won the silver medal in the competition for the best oral performances.
The World Finals will take place in April 2025 with the participation of the best 24 teams organized by the University of Oxford.
The members of the team participating in the regional selection in Paris are: Martin Fekete, Jázmin Gondos, Johanna Lichy, Szonja Ruszkai, Eszter Szentesi. The preparatory instructor this year was again Gergely Gosztonyi, associate professor at the Faculty of Law of ELTE, whose work was greatly assisted by former team members (János Bálint, Barbara Darcsi, Mária Góth and Ábel Bulcsú Kovács).