LLM semester opening

LLM semester opening
On September 13, 2024, the 2024/2025 academic year began for master's students enrolled in the English language program. This year, more than 30 students have enrolled in the International and European Business Law MA program, some from Hungary, but for the first time, the majority from abroad. 

At the opening ceremony, organised by JOTOKI (Institute for Postraduate Legal Studies), Professor Miklós Király, Director of JOTOKI, Éva Gellérné Lukács, assistant professor, the program's academic coordinator, and Ákos Udovecz, Head of the International Office, welcomed the students. In the afternoon session of the academic program, the first lectures were delivered by the Dean, Professor Pál Sonnevend, and by the Vice Dean, Professor Réka Somssich.

The LLM program operates in a hybrid format, with a combination of in-person and online participation. The program ensures a balance between academic and practical knowledge. In addition to professors from ELTE Faculty of Law, lecturers with practical experience also contribute. Among them is Pál Kara, former General Counsel at MOL, who was awarded the Pro Facultate medal by the Faculty in 2024 for his work in the MA program. Our international lecturers have also been teaching with us for several years, including Professor Declan Walsh, Deputy Dean of University College Cork in Ireland, who teaches competition law, and William Brydie-Watson, Legal Officer at UNIDROIT, who covers topics in international insurance law.

LLM students are encouraged to actively participate in the academic life of the Faculty. On a voluntary basis, they can also enroll in courses available to ERASMUS students. In addition, we offer our LLM students the opportunity to publish a shortened version of the highest-quality master's theses in the Faculty's annual, foreign-language journal, Annales, after graduation.