Regulations for exchange students

1. Credits

The Hungarian Academic credit system is an ECTS-compatible system.

  1. Courses at ELTE University Faculty of Law are each worth 5 ECTS credit points.
  2. In order to complete a course, students must fulfill the attendance requirements, in-class exercises, and pass the final exam/complete a written assignment. 
  3. The number of credits a student must attain in each semester is regulated by the Home University; however, ELTE University Faculty of Law strongly suggests that international students attain a minimum of 20 and maximum of 40 credits per semester.

2. Attendance

  1. Students must attend their courses regularly. Professors at ELTE University Faculty of Law use attendance sheets which must be signed by students in the beginning of each class. Attendance will be counted based upon the attendance sheets. 
  2. Students who miss more than 2 occasions in a semester in a course cannot take the exam and cannot get any credits for the named course. 
  3. A missed class will not be considered an absence in the case of sickness which needs to be proven by a doctor’s certificate. This certificate must be given to the Erasmus Office within a maximum of 2 weeks of the sick day(s).

3. Exams

  1. Exams may be written or oral depending on the professor’s decision. Some professors give out a written assignment instead of an exam. 
  2. Usually exams take place during the last class of the course or a few weeks after that. Professors will inform the students of the course exam/ written assignment during the semester. 
  3. Those who fail an exam can retake it on the date(s) given by the course professor.

4. Course Evaluation

The evaluation system of ELTE University Faculty of Law is an ECTS-compatible system.

  1. The final grade in each course is based upon in-class performance and an exam/assignment. 
  2. The Grading System at our Institution is as follows:

ECTS conversion table – System of assessment:

ELTE grade: Equivalent ECTS grade:
5 (excellent) A, B excellent, very good
4 (good) C good
3 (satisfactory) D satisfactory
2 (pass) E sufficient
1 (fail) FX, F fail

5. Courses 

  1. The list of available courses in foreign languages at ELTE University Faculty of Law can be found on the following webpage of the Faculty:
  2. Length of the courses is usually 24 x 45 minutes of classes that are held weekly (2 classes per week), or some of them are concentrated over several days as block seminars. 
  3. The exact timetable of the courses mentioned above containing the date, time and place of the courses will be communicated at the beginning of each semester by the Erasmus Office. 
  4. Students may also attend courses from other faculties of ELTE University if they meet the entrance requirements and there are vacant places. For more information please contact the Erasmus coordinators of each Faculty: Faculty International Offices (
  5. The number of credits attained in other Faculties of ELTE University must be less than 50 percent of the total number of credits attained. Courses in foreign languages for international students (
  6. Students may attend Hungarian Language Courses during the semester free of charge.
    This does not apply to fee-paying students, who must pay a contribution for the courses.
    The courses are organised by the Department of Hungarian as a Foreign Language of ELTE University and they are each worth 3 credits. Students must register for them at the Department. For more information:
  7. On the above mentioned link students can also gain information and apply for English Language Courses for a small fee – these courses have no credit value. 
  8. Students with minimum level B2 in Hungarian language may take Hungarian Law courses taught at our Institution if they meet the entrance requirements. For more information please contact the Erasmus Office.

6. Transcript of Records

  1. At the end of each semester students will receive their Transcript of Records from the Erasmus Office. This official document lists all the completed courses, attained credits and grades. The original documents will be issued no later than the last day of each semester.

7. Neptun System

  1. Our Institution uses Neptun electronic system for course registration. International students need to register courses for themselves in the system, which works on first come-first served basis. 
  2. More information on course registration will be given by the Erasmus Office. 

8. Neptun Meet Street 

  1. Meet Street is the e-learning site of the Neptun System and it will be a very important tool for all students as professors will share materials through it. Students will be able to log on to the Meet Street with their personal Neptun code after initial Personal Registration.

9. Other Information 

  1. More information on student cards, Neptun codes, course registration, dates and deadlines will be given each semester at Personal Registration in the Erasmus Office:

10. Erasmus Office

  1. The Erasmus Office (International Relations Office) of ELTE University Faculty of Law is located on Kecskeméti u. 10–12, 4th floor, Room 424. The Erasmus coordinator is Mr. Akos UDOVECZ who can be reached electronically via or in person in her office hours during the academic year (except for registration days and holidays). In urgent cases additional meeting times can be organised. 
  2. ERASMUS Office Hours:
    Monday–Thursday: 10.00–12.00
    Friday: Closed!