The impact of COVID-19 on administration

The impact of COVID-19 on administration

25. October 2021.

MS Teams


2021. October 25. -

MS Teams

A joint conference on the impact on COVID-19 epidemic on administrations will be organsied by the UMCS WPiA (Lublin, Poland) and the ELTE Faculty of Law (Budapest).

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major issue of the administrative systems of the world. Even the Polish and the Hungarian administrative systems and the public services have been influenced by the challenges of the pandemic. This issue has not been only a threat, but it has been even a challenge of the administrative systems, whose resiliency has been tested by these events and impacts. The Polish and Hungarian regulations – the general questions of the administrative systems, and the sectoral answers and solutions (especially the situation in the health care and health administration) to the challenges of COVID-19 will be examined.

The conference will have comparative approach: two similar but even different Visegrád Countries, Poland and Hungary will be compared. Thus, the presentations will focus on the impact of the COVID-19 on the administrative systems, the recent challenges, and opportunities of the health administration on the role and different approaches on the state of emergencies as a tool for the treatment of pandemic, and the impact of the pandemic on several major public service systems.

MS Teams link
