Guest Professors

Guest Professors

Thanks to its extensive international relations, our Faculty invites renowned instructors from abroad, thereby increasing the number of lectures in foreign languages for our domestic and foreign students. The courses conducted by visiting instructors are part of the official curriculum; they are credit-earning optional subjects.

The instructors who visit the Faculty under the Erasmus programme from Germany, France and Italy usually come for a brief period and conduct few lectures. However, their lectures are more specialized and the students who listen to them can make a good use of them in their studies.

Thanks to the Faculty’s cooperation with DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), we employ in full time a German-speaking language instructor. The instructor holds lectures and seminars and keeps the students posted of scholarship opportunities in Germany.


The Faculty’s cooperation with the Salzburg-based Center for International Legal Studies is especially advantageous for students who cannot conduct a part of their studies abroad. The Center arranges relations between American law instructors and universities in Europe. Year by year our University receives two visiting instructors from the United States through its mediation. The instructors visiting our Faculty are practising lawyers with extensive field experience. As their courses feature in the official curriculum, they enable students to get an insight into the legal system of the United States. In addition to getting information about the theoretical background of court decisions, they can analyse real-life legal cases and come up with various ideas for solving them. Often the analyses of the cases continue beyond class, under less formal circumstances.

Information for prospective incoming teachers