The premier law school of Hungary, our Faculty considers excellent education its topmost priority. The requirements for the content of education and the instructors’ work are laid down in our Regulations.
The majority of the instructors have an academic degree. Habilitation is among the preconditions for professorial positions.
The Faculty has established an Award of Excellence, entitled The Textbook of the Year to honor outstanding quality in the creation of textbooks. To win the award a textbook has to have noteworthy scholarly value, has to be digestible by the students and it has to satisfy certain requirements in its out appearance.
The Faculty has founded what it calls the Social Council. Its key task is to convey to the Faculty the needs of the legal profession and the labor market so that the curricula and the everyday practice of education could be shaped accordingly.
The students’ scholarly circles are an important component of quality education. A considerable number of students participate in them and the professional standards are high. Several students of the Faculty have fared well at the competitions of the National Conference of Students’ Scholarly Circles.
The primary mission of the Bibó István Special College is to help students to choose the branch of scholarship they intend to focus on and with time they should be able to become experts on that field. The members of the special college attend courses and seminars in small groups and are taught how to analyze legal cases and political dilemmas. They also have access to tutorials and take part in field work. At the tutorials they are treated like “private students.” The extracurricular activities (hiking, culture evenings, film clubs, concerts and sports days) help team building and the cultivation of collegiate traditions.