Courses for foreign students

Courses for Foreign Students

Learning Agreement Information

The Receiving Institution

NAME: Eötvös Loránd University







CONTACT PERSON EMAIL / PHONE: / +36 1 483 8015

FUNCTION: Erasmus coordinator


Courses at ELTE University Faculty of Law are each worth 5 ECTS credit points.

Length of the courses is usually 24 x 45 minutes of classes that are held weekly (2 classes per week), or some of them concentrated over several days as block seminars.

The exact timetable containing the date, time and place of the courses will be communicated in the beginning of each semester. The course list can change slightly by the beginning of the semester!

2024/2025 spring semester

Course codes, credits and 2026 spring availability

language lecturer Course
language lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Private Law
English Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Hungarian Tort Law in Comparative Context - a Case by Case Analysis
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert Children’s Rights in the EU Law and Policy
English Dr. Balázs Sahin-Tóth Corporate Finance from a Lawyer's Perspective
English Prof. Miklós Király International Litigation and Arbitration - selected issues
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Investment Law and Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Sales Law and Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law around the Globe
English Dr. Zsófia Varga EU Law and Member State Courts
English Dominik Dworniczak (EUI), Hubert Bekisz (EUI) Current Challenges to the Internal Market
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende The Law of International Trade and Investment Protection
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Mateusz Gedzba (Poland) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Annie Kazarján Space Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Sentencing in Criminal Justice System
English Dr. István Ambrus Digitalization and the Criminal Law
English Dr. Réka Bálint Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Csaba Győry, Dr. Clara Rigoni (University of Lausanne) Introduction to the Theory and Method of Comparative Law
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck Theory of Law and Society
English Dr. Balázs Fekete Comparative Law Workshop: from Functionalism to Legal Cultures
English Prof Przemysław Kaczmarek, Dr Jakub Lakomy, Dr Mateusz Wojtanowski (University of Wroclaw) Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
English Prof. Dr. Andrew Hammond (Maurer School of Law, Indiana University/USA), Prof. István Hoffman, Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Comparative Administrative Law
English Dr. Virág Balogh Regulation of Digital Industries
English Dr. János Fazekas Judicial Review of Governmental Acts
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political Thought in Early Modern England
English Dr. István Horváth Rethinking Fundamental Labour Rights in the EU
English Prof. Andrea Sitzia (University of Padova) Italian - Hungarian Comparative Labour Law
English Dr. Sára Hungler Social Integration in the European Union
English Mariam Begadze (CEU) Adjudicating Positive Duties: from Constitutional Structure to Rights
English Mariam Begadze (CEU) The Constitutions under Stress: States of Emergency, Combatting Terrorism, Pandemics
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees' Global Mobility
English Dr. Zsolt Szatmári European Taxation (indirect taxes)
English Károly Mike Law and Economics
English Balázs Váradi Discrimination and Anti-discrimination from an Economic Perspective
English Tod J. Kaufman (USA) The American Judicial Process from a Judge's Perspective
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Máté József Czene-Joó American Politics and Government
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English András Varga Political culture in Europe
English Prof. Krisztina Arató Crises and Solutions in the European Union
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT
German Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Vergleichendes Vewaltungsrecht
German Dr. Balázs Völcsey Fragen und Antworten aus des Iinternationalen und Europäischen Zivilverfahrensrechtes
German Michael Wilding, MSc (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht 2
German Michael Wilding, MSc (DAAD Fachlektor) Staats- und Verfassungsrecht 2
German Michael Wilding, MSc (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäische Institutionen und ihre Aufgaben
French Dr. Eve Pol Actualité du Droit Français II.
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

Hungarian Language Courses

2024/2025 autumn semester

course codes, credits and 2025 autumn availability

language lecturer course
language lecturer course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd European Private Law
English Prof. Orsolya Ágnes Szeibert Children's rights in the EU law and policy
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Sales Law
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős FDI Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Practicing International Arbitration
English Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Healthcare in the Internal Market – Cross-border Health Services and Free Movement of Health Workers
English Dr. Róbert Zsolt Szalay EU State Aid Law
English Dominik Dworniczak (EUI) Introduction to European Company Law
English Dominik Dworniczak (EUI) Comparative Private Law
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh International Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Digitalisation and the Criminal Law
English Prof. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Jeffrey Gray (USA) Introduction to American Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Réka Bálint Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend, Dr. Petra Jeney, Dr. Tamás Kende European Public Law and Policy
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Protection of Fundamental Rights
English Dr. Nóra Cseke, Hubert Bekisz (EUI) Current challenges in international, European and Hungarian refugee law
English Prof. Xavier Groussot (Lund university) General Principles and Fundamental Rights in EU Law
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Pál Takács Transactions in International Environment (Mergers and Acquisitions)
English Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Constitutional Design
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor Fundamental Rights Before Courts
English Mariam Begadze (CEU) Rule of Law and Illiberal Democracies
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Courts and Administration (Administrative Justice, Administration of Justice and the Right to a Fair Trial)
English Prof. István Hoffman Basics of International Disability Law
English Dr. Szabolcs Szendrő Competition Law
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Prof. Marco Greggi (University of Ferrara) International Tax Law
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Dr. Károly Mike Public Law and Economics
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck Theory of Law and Society
English Dr. Csaba Győry Dichotomies of the Rule of Law
English Dr. Imre Képessy Chapters from the History of Constitutional Adjudication
English Prof. Krisztina Arató Multiple Crisis in the European Union
English Máté József Czene-Joó American Politics and Government
English Dr. Zoltán Málik World Politics
English András Varga Democracy in Europe
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Balázs Völcsey Einführung in das Ungarische Zivilverfahrensrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäische Grundfreiheiten
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht I
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I
French Dr. Eve Pol Actualités du Droit Français
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2023/2024 spring semester

course codes, credits and 2025 spring availability

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Private Law
English Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Hungarian Tort Law in Context - a Case by Case Analysis
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert Children’s Rights in the EU Law and Policy
English Dr. Balázs Sahin-Tóth Corporate Finance from a Lawyer's Perspective
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. István Erdős International Protection of Cultural Property
English Dr. István Erdős Prevention and Resolution of Disputes in International Sales Transactions
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the European Union
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende The Law of International Trade and Investment Protection
English Dr. Nóra Cseke The Cooperation between the European Court of Justice and National Courts in Preliminary Ruling Proceedings
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Mateusz Gedzba (Poland) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Digitalization and the Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Sentencing in Criminal Justice System
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Csaba Győry, Dr. Clara Rigoni (University of Lausanne) Comparative Criminal Law in Context
English Dr. Csaba Győry Antinomies of the rule of law
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck Theory of Law and Society
English Dr. Dorjana Bojanovska Popovska Contemporary Challenges to Law and Governance
English Dr. Dorjana Bojanovska Popovska Contemporary Issues and Tensions in Law and Religion
English Dr. Balázs Fekete Comparative Law Workshop: From Functionalism to Legal Cultures
English Dr. Fruzsina Tóth Hungarian Social History and the Rule of Law
English Dr. Virág Balogh Regulation of Digital Industries
English Dr. János Fazekas Judicial Review of Governmental Acts
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political Thought in Early Modern England
English Dr. István Horváth Rethinking Fundamental Labour Rights in the EU
English Prof. Andrea Sitzia (University of Padova) The Italian Labour Law Legal System: rigidities or flexibility in comparison with Hungary. Which is the other side of the moon
English Dr. Sára Hungler Social Integration in the European Union
English Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Steffen Pabst Human Rights in Civil Procedure
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees' Global Mobility
English Dr. Balázs Károlyi EU Law and Direct Taxation
English Károly Mike Law and Economics
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Cross Border Litigation: The Amazon Disaster
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Máté József Czene-Joó American Politics and Government
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English András Varga Political Culture in Europe
English Dr. Attila Antal Exceptional Governance Measure in the Era of Climate and Ecological Crisis
English Daragh John Hamilton Deliberative Democracy and the Climate Crisis
German Dr. Mihály Filó Medizinstrafrecht I.
German Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Verwaltungsgerichstbarkeit Gerichtsverwaltung und das Recht auf Effektiven Rechtsschutz
German Dr. Marc-Tell Madl Deutsches Verfassungsrecht mit Bezügen zum Europarecht
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht 2
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Staats- und Verfassungsrecht 2
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäische Institutionen und ihre Aufgaben
French Dr. Eve Pol Culture Juridique
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2023/2024 autumn semester

course codes, credits and 2024 autumn availability

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd European Private Law
English Prof. Orsolya Ágnes Szeibert Children’s Rights in the EU Law and Policy
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market I.
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős FDI Moot Court
English Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné Free Movement of Persons in the EU in a Decade of Crisis: Migration Crisis in 2015, COVID in 2020 and the war in Ukrainine in 2022
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh International Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Prof. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Patrick McKinley (USA) American Criminal Law and Procedure
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend, Dr. Petra Jeney, Dr. Tamás Kende European Public Law and Policy
English Dr. Petra Jeney Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Nóra Cseke Current Challenges in International, European and Hungarian Refugee Law
English Prof. Xavier Groussot (Lund University) General Principles and Fundamental Rights in EU Law
English Daragh John Hamilton Deliberative Democracy and the Climate Crisis
English Nico Weber Introduction to Public International Law
English Nico Weber Critical Histories of International Order
English Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy, Prof. David Williams (USA – Indiana University) Constitutional Design
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor Fundamental Rights Before Courts
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Courts and Administration (Judicial Protection against Administrative Action and Judicial Administration in a Comparative Perspective)
English Prof. István Hoffmann Basics of International Disability Law
English Dr. Attila Kovács Oil and Gas Law
English Dr. Szabolcs Szendrő Competition Law
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Prof. Marco Greggi International Tax Law
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Dr. Balázs Váradi Topics in Blockchain Governance /a reading seminar
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck Theory of Law and Society
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to the Theory and Method of Comparatíve Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Dichotomies of the Rule of Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry, Prof. Fernando Miró-Llinares (Miguel Hernández University of Elche) Comparative Criminal Law in Context
English Dorjana Bojanovska Debates in Religion, Law and Society
English Dorjana Bojanovska Discussions on the Rule of Law: Theoretical Debates and Practical Challenges
English Dr. Imre Képessy Chapters from the History of Constitutional Adjudication
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann (Universität des Saarlandes), Prof. Thomas Rauscher (Universität Leipzig), Prof. István Varga Introduction to International and European Civil Procedure
English Barry Lawrence (USA) The Art of the Deal – Introduction to Business Law
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English Dr. Tibor Mándi, Máté József Czene-Joó American Politics and Government
English Dr. Zoltán Málik World Politics
English András Varga Democracy in Europe
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Medizinstrafrecht II
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäische Grundfreiheiten
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht I
German Prof. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I
French Thomas Virmont Introduction au Droit International Public
French Eve Pol Introduction au Droit Français
French Eve Pol Droit de l’Homme et Libertés Fondamentales
French Eve Pol Cours préparatoire au concours de plaidoirie francophone (Cours BIP)
Italian Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2022/2023 spring semester

course codes, credits and 2024 spring availability

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Private Law
English Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Hungarian Tort Law in Context - a Case by Case Analysis
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Prof. Miklós Király International Litigation and Arbitration – Selected Issues
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Healthcare Services in the Internal Market in a Comparative Context
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
Enlgish Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. István Erdős International Protection of Cultural Property
English Dr. István Erdős Unification of Contract Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the European Union
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Gábor Kajtár Human Rights in the Practice of International Organizations
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende International Trade in Goods, Services, Capital Movements (WTO, GATT, GATS, TRIPS, SMC, FTAs, complex agreements, Investment protection agreements)
English Dr. Nóra Cseke The Cooperation between the European Court of Justice and National Courts in Preliminary Ruling Proceedings
English Dr. Zsófia Lendvai International Intellectual Property Law
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Pál Takács Transactions in International Environment ( Mergers and Acquisitions )
English Mateusz Gedzba (Poland) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Nico Weber Introduction to Public International Law
English Nico Weber Philosophy of International Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Steven Oberman (USA) Introduction to American Criminal Law and Procedure
English Steven Oberman (USA) American trial advocacy AND American trial advocacy - practice course
Steven Oberman (USA) Oberman Letter to ELTE students
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. István Ambrrus, Matthew Decloedt Comparative Criminal Law and Criminology
English Dr. Csaba Győry, Prof. Fernando Miró-Llinares (University of Elche) Comparative Criminal Law in Context
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to Comparative Law
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck Law and Society Workshop
English Dr. Balázs Fekete Comparative Law Workshop: From Functionalism to Legal Cultures
English John Erlick (USA) International Legal Ethics
English Dr. Virág Balogh Regulation of Digital Industries
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political Thought in Early Modern England
English Dr. István Horváth Rethinking Fundamental Labour Rights in the EU
English Dr. Sára Hungler Social Integration in the European Union
English Dr. Sára Hungler, Prof. Shruti Rana – Indiana University (USA) Global and Comparative Perspectives on Gender Equality
English Prof. István Varga Litigate or Arbitrate? Practitioner’s Answers on the Basis of International and Comparative Civil Procedure
English Dr. Steffen Pabst (Universität des Saarlandes), Dr. Kinga Tímár Human Rights in Civil Procedure
English Richard Rosen (USA) Civil Litigation in the United States
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Zsolt Szatmári European Tax Law: Indirect Taxes, Customs
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees' Global Mobility
English Dr. Balázs Károlyi EU Law and Direct Taxation
English Dr. Károly Mike Law and Economics
English Dr. Balázs Váradi Topics in Blockchain Governance /a reading seminar
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Cross Border Litigation: The Amazon Disaster
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Prof. Krisztina Arató Multiple Crisis in the European Union
English Máté József Czene-Joó American Politics
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English András Varga Political culture in Europe
German Dr. Bálázs Völcsey Vergleichendes Zivilprozessrecht aus dem Gesichtspunkt des deutschen und ungarischen Rechtes.
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Fälle aus dem Strafrecht AT
German Dr. Mihály Filó Medizinstrafrecht I.
German Dr. Marc-Tell Madl Deutsches Verfassungsrecht mit Bezügen zum Europarecht
German Prof. dr. Arnd Koch (Universität Augsburg) Neuere deutsche und europäische Strafrechtsgeschichte
French Dr. Eve Pol Droit Civil Français : Droit des Personnes
French Dr. Eve Pol Systèmes Politiques et Constitutionnels Étrangers
French Dr. Eve Pol Droit Constitutionnel : Théorie Générale du Droit Francais
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2022/2023 autumn semester

course codes, credits and 2023 fall availability

Language Lecturer course
Language Lecturer course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd European Private Law
English Prof. Orsolya Ágnes Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market I.
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Unification of Contract Law
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh International Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Digitalisation and the Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Prof. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Patrick McKinley (USA) American Criminal Law and Procedure
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende European Public Law and Policy
English Dr. Petra Jeney Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU
English Smit Crouse Mediation as Strategic Conflict and Complexity Resolution Enabler
English Dr. Pál Takács Transactions in International Environment (Mergers and Acquisitions)
English Dr. Szilárd Kui International Real Estate Transactions
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Nóra Cseke Current challenges in international, European and Hungarian refugee law
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor Fundamental Rights Before Courts
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Courts and Administration (Judicial Protection against Administrative Action and Judicial Administration in a Comparative Perspective)
English Prof. István Hoffmann Basics of International Disability Law
English Dr. Attila Kovács Oil and Gas Law
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Prof. Marco Greggi (University of Ferrara) International Tax Law
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck, Dr. Csaba Győry, Dr. Balázs Fekete Philosophy of Law and Society
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to the Theory and Method of Comparative Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Dichotomies of the Rule of Law
English Dr. Imre Képessy Chapters from the History of Constitutional Adjudication
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann (Universität des Saarlandes) Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
English Prof. Thomas Rauscher (Universität Leipzig) Introduction to European Civil Procedure – Brussels Ia Regulation
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English Mariano Soto (USA) Law and Practice of International Financial Markets
English Dr. Zoltán Málik World Politics
English András Varga Democracy in Europe
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English Prof. William Mayer (USA) Introduction to American Politics
English Prof. William Mayer (USA) Politics and the Mass Media
English Dr. Gábor Illés Leader Democracy – The Orbán Regime and Beyond
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Medizinstrafrecht
German Dr. Koósné dr. Mohácsi Barbara Grundrechte im Strafverfahren
German Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács, Christoph Westenrieder (Universität Ausburg) Europaisches Arbeitsrecht
French Thomas Virmont Introduction au Droit International Public
French Eve Pol Introduction au Droit Constitutionnel Français
French Eve Pol Droit de l’Homme et Libertés Fondamentales
French Eve Pol Droit Civil Français : Droit de la Famille
Italian Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2021/2022 spring semester

course codes, credits and 2023 spring availability

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Private Law
English Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Hungarian Tort Law in Context - a Case by Case Analysis
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Dr. Balázs Sahin-Tóth Corporate finance from a lawyer's perspective
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Healthcare Services in the Internal Market in a Comparative Context
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the European Union
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende International Trade in Goods, Services, Capital Movements (WTO, GATT, GATS, TRIPS, SMC, FTAs, complex agreements, Investment protection agreements)
English Dr. Nóra Cseke The Cooperation between the European Court of Justice and National Courts in Preliminary Ruling Proceedings
English Dr. Zsófia Lendvai International Intellectual Property Law
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Pál Takács Transactions in International Environment (Mergers and Acquisitions )
English Mateusz Gedzba (Poland) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Dr. Katalin Holé Criminal Justice Systems and Human Rights
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Prof. Miklós Lévay Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Csaba Győry Dichotomies of the Rule of Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to Comparative Law
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck, Dr. Csaba Győry, Dr. Balázs Fekete Philosophy of Law and Society
English Dr. Balázs Fekete Comparative Law Workshop: From Functionalism to Legal Cultures
English Dr. Virág Balogh Regulation of Digital Industries
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political Thought in Early Modern England
English Dr. István Horváth, Dr. Andrea Sitzia (Padova) Rethinking Fundamental Labour Rights in the EU
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Prof Shruti Rana (Indiana University – USA), Dr. Sára Hungler Women's Rights and the Equality Principle
English Dr. Steffen Pabst (Universität des Saarlandes), Dr. Kinga Tímár Human Rights in Civil Procedure
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Zsolt Szatmári European Tax Law: Indirect Taxes, Customs
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees' Global Mobility
English Prof. István Varga Litigate or Arbitrate? Practitioner’s Answers on the Basis of International and Comparative Civil Procedure
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Cross Border Litigation: The Amazon Disaster
English Joseph Tringali (USA) United States Civil Litigation: How a Lawsuit is Brought to Trial in the US
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Dr. Krisztina Arató Multiple Crisis in the European Union
English Dr. Gábor Illés Leader Democracy: The Orbán Regime and Beyond
English Ruth Candlish Politics in the UK
English Eszter Soós French Politics – Presidential Election 2022
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English András Varga Democracy in Europe
German Dr. Koósné dr. Mohácsi Barbara Das Recht auf ein faires Strafverfahren
German Dr. Balázs Völcsey Vergleichendes Zivilprozessrecht aus dem Gesichtspunkt des deutschen und ungarischen Rechtes.
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT
German Dr. Mihály Filó Medizinstrafrecht
German Erik Eggert Einführung ins deutsche Privatrecht
French Prof. Réka Somssich Contentieux Européens
French Dr. Eve Pol L'étude des Régimes Politiques Étrangers
French Dr. Eve Pol Les Organisations au Service des Relations Internationales
French Thomas Virmont Introduction à la Protection Juridique International des Droits de l’homme
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2021/2022 autumn semester

Course codes, credits and 2022 fall availability

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd European Private Law
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market I.
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Pax Moot Court
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Free Movement of Persons Before, During and After COVID-19
English Dr. Sára Hungler Labour Rights as Human Rights
English Dr. Sára Hungler Social Integration in the European Union
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh International Criminal Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. István Ambrus, Dr. Imre Németh, Dr. Noémi Orosz Comparative Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus, Dr. Noémi Orosz Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Prof. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Patrick J. McKinley (USA) American Criminal Law and Procedure
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Prof. Miklós Lévay Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air and Space Law
English Dr. Petra Jeney Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU
English Dr. Zsófia Lendvai International Intellectual Property Law
English Iris Canor (Striks School of Law/Israel) Comparative Perspectives of Fundamental Rights Protection
English Dr. Pál Takács Transactions in International Environment (Mergers and Acquisitions)
English Dr. Szilárd Kui International Real Estate Transactions
English Dr. Milán Kohlrusz International Commercial Dispute Settlement Law
English Dr. Nóra Cseke Current Challenges in International, European and Hungarian Refugee Law
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to the Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor Fundamental Rights - for Who? The fundamental rights concept of legal capacity
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Prof. Krisztina Rozsnyai Courts and Administration (Judicial Protection against Administrative Action and Judicial Administration in a Comparative Perspective)
English Prof. István Hoffmann Basics of International Disability Law
English Prof. Jarosław Kostrubiec (Maria Curie Sklodowska University/Lublin), Dr. András Bencsik Comparative Local Governments – in the Light of the System of the V4 Countries
English Dr. Attila Kovács Oil and Gas Law
English Prof. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Prof. Marco Greggi (University of Ferrara) International Tax Law
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Prof. Zoltán Fleck, Dr. Csaba Győry, Dr. Balázs Fekete Philosophy of Law and Society
English Dr. Balázs Fekete Comparative Law Workshop: from Functionalism to Legal Cultures
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to the Theory and Method of Comparative Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Dichotomies of the Rule of Law
English Dr. Imre Képessy Means of Constitutional Guarantees in 19th Century Hungary
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann (Universität des Saarlandes) Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
English Prof. Thomas Rauscher (Universität Leipzig) Introduction to European Civil Procedure – Brussels Ia Regulation
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English Thomas Dawson (USA) Avoiding, Negotiating and Mediating Disputes in Transnational Commerce
English Prof. Krisztina Arató COVID and Politics
English Dr. Zoltán Málik World Politics
English András Varga Political Culture in the EU
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English Dr. Eszter Soós French Politics - Presidential Election 2022
English Dr. Tibor Mándi American Politics and Government
English Dr. Gábor Illés Leader Democracy – The Orbán Regime and Beyond
German Prof. István Varga Internationales und Vergleichendes Zivilprozessrecht
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács, Erik Eggert Europaisches Arbeitsrecht
French Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français I. (Institutions Politiques)
French Thomas Virmont Introduction au Droit International Public
French Dr. Eve Pol Introduction au Droit Constitutionnel Français
French Dr. Eve Pol Droit des organisations internationales
Italian Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2020/2021 spring semester

Prelimirary timetable
course codes and availability in 2022 spiring

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Comparative Tort Law From a Hungarian Perspective
English Prof. Orsolya Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Dr. Balázs Sahin-Tóth Corporate Finance From a Lawyer's Perspective
English Prof. Miklós Király Protection of Foreign Investments - Law of Multinational Enterprises
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős Pax Moot
English Dr. István Erdős FDI Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. István Erdős Unification of Contract Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the European Union
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Tamás Kende International Trade in Goods, Services, Capital Movements
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air and Space Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Csaba Győry Rule of Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Introduction to Comparative Law. Paradigms and Methods.
English Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Classic Dilemmas of Constitutional Theory in Modern Context
English Prof. István Hoffman Basics of International Disability Law
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political Thought in Early Modern England
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Prof. István Varga Litigate or Arbitrate? Practitioner’s Answers on the Basis of International and Comparative Civil Procedure
English Dr. Steffen Pabst (Universität des Saarlandes), Dr. Kinga Tímár Human Rights in Civil Procedure
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Zsolt Szatmári European Tax Law
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Dr. Gábor Illés Leader Democracy: The Orbán Regime and Beyond
English Dr. András Varga CEE Countries (PL, CZ, SK, HU) and Their Role in Europe and Around the Globe
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht in Vergleichender Perspektive
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäisches Arbeitsrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz
German Dr. Balázs Völcsey Urteilswirkungen im ungarischen und im deutschen Zivilprozessrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT
French Prof. Réka Somssich Contentieux Européens
French Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français II (Organisation de la justice en France)
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2020/2021 autumn semester

TIMETABLE AUTUMN 2020/2021 (updated on 04/09/2020)
course codes and availability in 2021 fall

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd European Private Law
English Prof. Orsolya Ágnes Szeibert The Rights of Children and Child Protection in Europe
English Prof. Miklós Király History and Institutions of the European Union
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market I.
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. István Erdős Doing Legal Profession/Business around the Globe
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Protection of Cultural Property
English Dr. István Erdős FDI Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Pax Moot
English Dr. István Erdős Unification of Contract Law
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Trends and Changing Patterns of Labour Mobility in Europe
English Dr. Sára Hungler Labour Rights as Human Rights
English Dr. Sára Hungler Social Integration in the European Union
English Dr. István Horváth Rethinking Fundamental Labour Right in the EU
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh International Criminal Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. István Ambrus, Dr. Imre Németh, Dr. Noémi Orosz Comparative Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus, Dr. Noémi Orosz Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Prof. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Prof. Miklós Lévay Criminology, Crime and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air and Space Law
English Dr. Petra Jeney Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU
English Dr. Zsófia Lendvai International Intellectual Property Law
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to the Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor Fundamental Rights - for Who? The fundamental rights concept of legal capacity
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Prof. István Hoffmann, Dr. Krisztina Rozsnyai, Dr. János Fazekas Introduction to Hungarian Administrative Law in a Comparative Perspective
English Dr. Attila Kovács Oil and Gas Law
English Dr. István Sándor The Law of Asset Planning and Asset Management
English Dr. Attila Arányi International Tax Aspects of Employees’ Global Mobility
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Dr. Csaba Győry Rule of Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Corporate Crime
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann (Universität des Saarlandes) Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
English Prof. Thomas Rauscher (Universität Leipzig) Introduction to European Civil Procedure – Brussels Ia Regulation
English Mary M. Bartkus (Special Counsel at Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, New York) The History of the Worldwide Vioxx Product Liability Litigation
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English Thomas Dawson (USA) Avoiding, Negotiating and Mediating Disputes in Transnational Commerce
English András Varga Political Culture in the EU
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English Géza Tokár Civil Society in Central Europe
English Dr. Gábor Illés Leader Democracy – The Orbán Regime and Beyond
English Ruth Candlish Politics in the UK
English Dr. Beáta Kovács, Dr. Júlia Lakatos Contemporary Hungarian Politics and Society
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Prof. István Varga Internationales und Vergleichendes Zivilprozessrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europarecht – Europäische Integration im Lichte der Rechtsprechung von EuGH und BVerfG
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I: Der Allgemeine Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht I: Fallbesprechung zum Allgemeinen Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht I: Staatsorganisationsrecht nach dem Deutschen Grundgesetz
French Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français I. (Institutions Politiques)
Italian Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2019/2020 spring semester

TIMETABLE SPRING 2020/2021 (updated on 17/02/2020)
Course codes and availibility 2021 spring

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Hungarian Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective
English Dr. Gábor Fejes Civil Law Consequences of Competition Law Infringements
English Prof. Miklós Király Protection of Foreign Investments - Law of Multinational Enterprises
English Prof. Réka Somssich Litigation at the European Court of Justice – Preliminary References in Private International Law
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős Pax moot
English Dr. István Erdős FDI Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős Willem C Vis (+EAST) International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Multinational Enterprises and Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the European Union
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air and Space Law
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Rule of Law
English Dr. Csaba Győry Corporate Crime
English Dr. Balázs Rigó Political thought in early modern England
English Jakub Lakomy, Dr. Przemysław Kaczmarek (University of Wrocław) Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Comparative Constitutional Law
English Dr. Krisztina Rozsnyai Comparative Administrative Law
English Dr. Sára Hungler European Labour Law
English Dr. Steffen Pabst (Universität des Saarlandes), Dr. Kinga Tímár Human Rights in Civil Procedure
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti Money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Dr. Balázs Sahin-Tóth Corporate finance from a lawyer's perspective
English Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF) European Tax Law
English Cynthia Braun (USA) Civil Damages in the American Judicial System
English Dr. Cabrera Alvaro Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Dr. Krisztina Arató Multiple Crisis in the European Union
English Eszter Soós French Politics
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäisches Arbeitsrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Staatsrecht II: Fallbesprechung zu den deutschen Grundrechten
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT
French Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français II (Organisation de la justice en France)
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2019/2020 autumn semester

TIMETABLE AUTUMN 2019/2020 (updated on 06/09/2019)
Course codes and availibility 2020 fall

Language Lecturer Course
Language Lecturer Course
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Introduction to Hungarian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective
English Prof. Miklós Király History and Institutions of the European Union
English Prof. Miklós Király Comparative Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market I.
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Companies in Private International Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. István Erdős Doing Legal Profession/Business around the Globe
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Protection of Cultural Property
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Trends and Changing Patterns of Labour Mobility in Europe
English Dr. István Horváth, prof. Dr. Eva Blazquez Agudo (Universidad Carlos III. de Madrid) Rethinking Fundamental Labor Right in EU
English Dr. Sára Hungler Labour Rights as Human Rights
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Imre Németh, Dr. Viola Vincze International Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Trusted Criminals - Understanding white collar crime
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air Law
English Dr. Attila Sipos Aerospace Law
English Dr. Petra Jeney Fundamental Rights Protection in the European Union
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to the Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor What is the State Doing at the Dinner Table? - The Human Rights Aspects of Family and Family Members
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Dr. Attila Kovács Oil and Gas Law
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
English Mateusz Gedzba (Krakow/Poland) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Prof. Frans Vanistendael (Netherlands) International Tax Law
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann (Universität des Saarlandes) Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
English Prof. Thomas Rauscher (Universität Leipzig) Introduction to European Civil Procedure – Brussels Ia Regulation
English Mary M. Bartkus (USA), Prof. István Varga The Worldwide History of the Vioxx Product Liability Litigation
English Prof. Dennis Campbell (USA) Civil Liberties in the US
English William Gwire (USA) Legal Ethics, Business Law and Corporate Social Responsibility
English Joseph Tringali (USA) US Civil Litigation
English Prof. Karen J. Sneddon (USA) Comparative Succession Law
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English András Varga Political Culture in the EU
English Dr. Attila Antal The Political Theory of Populism and Democracy
English Dr. Alvaro Cabrera Changing Dynamics of Parliaments
English Dr. Eszter Soós French Politics
English Dr. Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English Dr. Katalin Ámon Public Policy: Theories, Problems, Solutions
English Dr. Beáta Kovács, Dr. Júlia Lakatos Contemporary Hungarian Politics and Society
German Prof. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Arbeitsrecht: Einführung ins Deutsche Individualarbeitsrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europarecht – Europäische Integration im Lichte der Rechtsprechung von EuGH und BVerfG
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht I: Fallbesprechung zum Allgemeinen Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I: Der Allgemeine Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Staatsrecht I: Fallbesprechung zum deutschen Staatsorganisationsrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht I: Staatsorganisationsrecht nach dem Deutschen Grundgesetz
French Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français I. (Institutions Politiques)
Italian Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2018/2019 spring semester

TIMETABLE SPRING 2018/2019 (updated on 07/03/2019)
Course codes and availibility 2020 spring

Language Lecturer Unit title
Language Lecturer Unit title
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Hungarian Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective
English Prof. Miklós Király Protection of Foreign Investments - Law of Multinational Enterprises
English Prof. Réka Somssich Litigation at the European Court of Justice – Preliminary References in Private International Law
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Residence and Employment Rights in the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős Private International Law of the European Union
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Investment Law and Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Sales Law and Arbitration
English Prof. Pál Sonnevend Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union
English Dr. Petra Jeney EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air and Space Law
English Dr. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Anna Doszpoth European Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Trusted Criminals - White-Collar Criminality
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Comparative Constitutional Law
English Jeremy Webber (University of Victoria, Canada), Dr. Eszter Bodnár Democratic Constitutionalism: Self-government and Constitutional Legitimacy in Diverse Polities
English Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor What is the state doing at the dinner table? - The human rights aspects of family and family members
English Dr. Péter Steiner Anti Money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF) European Tax Law
English Prof. Dennis Campbell Litigating Ecuador’s Environmental Disaster
English Bruce Alan Mann (USA) Cross-border Business Transactions – How to Reach Agreement and Resolve Disputes
English Prof. Dr. Marine Toullier (Rouen Normandy University) Globalisation and International Protection of Human Rights
English Zoltán Fleck, Jacopo Martire (University of Bristol) Critical perspectives on modern law
English Dr. Matthias Hartwig (Max Planck Institute – Heidelberg) The Prohibition of Torture in International Law
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Eszter Soós European Election 2019 in France
English Dr. Attila Antal The Political Theory of Populism and Democracy
English András Varga Democracy in Europe
English Dr. Máté Szabó The 1968 Protest wave in Europe after 50 years
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europäisches Arbeitsrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT
French Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du Droit Public Français II (Organisation de la justice en France)
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2018/2019 autumn semester

TIMETABLE – AUTUMN 2018/19 (updated on 24/09/2018)

Language Lecturer Unit title
Language Lecturer Unit title
English Prof. Attila Menyhárd Introduction To Hungarian Private Law in a Comparative Perspective
English Prof. Miklós Király History and Institutions of the EU
English Prof. Miklós Király Comparative Private International Law
English Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács Brexit and the Free Movement of Persons
English Dr. Tamás Szabados Mobility of Companies in the EU
English Dr. Tamás Szabados International Art Trade and Law
English Dr. Tamás Szabados The Law of the Internal Market
English Dr. István Erdős Doing Legal Profession / Business around the World
English Dr. István Erdős International Commercial Arbitration
English Dr. István Erdős International Protection of Cultural Property
English Dr. Sára Hungler, Dr. Ana Munoz Ruiz (Madrid) European Labour Law
English Dr. Sára Hungler Labour Rights as Human Rights
English Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Anna Doszpoth International Criminal Law
English Dr. István Ambrus Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law
English Dr. Péter Hack Transitional Justice
English Dr. Léna Podoletz Policing and Crime Prevention
English Dr. Léna Podoletz Criminological Theories and Casualities of Crime
English Dr. Éva Inzelt Trusted Criminals – Understanding White Collar Crime
English Dr. Petra Bárd EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice
English Dr. Attila Sipos International Air Law
English Dr. Attila Sipos Space Law
English Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy Introduction to the Hungarian Constitutional Law
English Dr. Virág Balogh Consumer Protection
English Dr. Krisztina Arató Multiple Crisis in the EU
English Dr. Tibor Mándi American Politics and Government
English Dr. Attila Antal The Political Theory of Populism and Democracy
English András Varga Political Culture in the EU
English Dr. József Málik World Politics
English Dr. József Málik Political Game Theory
English Eszter Soós French Politics
English Eszter Soós Political Analysis in Practice
English Prof. Dennis Campbell Civil Liberties in the US
English Dennis D’Antonio Insurance Law and US Civil Litigation
English Dr. Péter Steiner The international standards of Anti Money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism
English Prof. Frans Vanistendael International Tax Law
English Prof. Helmut Rüssmann, Prof. István Varga Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
English Prof Thomas Rauscher, Prof. István Varga Introduction to European Civil Procedure (Brussels la Regulation)
English Prof. Paul Oberhammer, Prof. István Varga Vienna-Budapest Exchange Seminar On Commercial Arbitration
English Mateusz Gedzba (Krakow) International and European Personal Data Protection Law
English Prof. Daniel O. Conkle (Indiana University, USA), Dr. Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz Religious Exemptions from Otherwise Applicable Laws
German Dr. Ádám Fuglinszky Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht
German Dr. Mihály Filó Einführung in das Deutsche Strafrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Arbeitsrecht: Einführung ins deutsche Individualarbeitsrecht
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Europarecht – Europäische Integration im Lichte der Rechtsprechung von EuGH und BVerfG
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Bürgerliches Recht I: Fallbesprechung zum Allgemeinen Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I: Der Allgemeine Teil des deutschen BGB
German Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor) Grundkurs Staatsrecht I: Staatsorganisationsrecht nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz
French Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács Lexique du droit public français I. (Institutions politiques)
Italian Dr. Alessandro Gilioli Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

2017/2018 spring semester

TIMETABLE – SPRING 2017/18 – updated on 09/03/2018

in english



Prof. Attila Menyhárd

The Basic Questions of Private Law in a Comparative Perspective

Prof. Miklós Király

Protection of Foreign Investments - The Law of Multinational Enterprises

Prof. Miklós Király

Comparative Private International Law

Dr. Réka Somssich

Litigation at the European Court of Justice – Preliminary References in Private International Law

Dr. Éva Gellérné Lukács

BREXIT and the Free Movement of Persons

Dr. István Erdős

Private International Law of the European Union

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Anna Doszpoth

European Criminal Law

Dr. Anna Doszpoth

Milestone Cases of International Criminal Justice

Dr. Léna Podoletz Policing and Crime Prevention
Dr. Léna Podoletz Criminological Theory

Dr. István Ambrus

Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted Criminals - White-Collar Criminality

Dr. Nóra Chronowski

Global and European Constitutionalism

Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

Comparative Constitutional Law

Dr. Bernadette Somody, Dr. Emese Pásztor

Constitutionalism in Action

Dr. Petra Jeney

Fundemental Rights Protection in the EU

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Dr. Tamás Kende The European Union and the WTO - world trade and investments

Dr. Virág Balogh

Consumer Protection

Dr. István Varga

International and Comparative Civil Procedure

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

Dr. József Málik

World Politics

Eszter Soós

French Politics

András Varga

Democracy in Europe

Dr. Tibor Mándi

Current Issues in American Politics and Society

Dr. PéterSteiner

World standards and EU Law of Anti Money Laundering and Combatting the Finance of Terrorism

Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF)

European Tax Law

Prof. Dennis Campbell

Litigating Ecuador’s Environmental Disaster

Uzoamaka Anagbogu

International Insurance Law and Practice (Marine Law)

Claudia Sandei - PADOVA

Negotiating and Drafting International Contracts

in german
lecturer unit title

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor0)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen BGB

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Bürgerliches Recht II: Fallbesprechung zum Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Staatsrecht II: Fallbesprechung zu den deutschen Grundrechten

Dr. István Varga, Dr. Volker Lipp, Dr. Martin Ahrens

Göttingen-Budapest Seminar zum Internationalen und Europäischen Zivilprozessrecht

Dr. Mihály Filó

Ausgewählte Probleme aus dem Strafrecht AT

in french
lecturer unit title

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public français II (Organisation de la justice en France)

in italian
lecturer unit title

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo


TIMETABLE – AUTUMN 2017/18 – updated on 13/09/2017


prof. Attila Menyhárd

Hungarian Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective

prof. Miklós Király

History and Institutions of the European Union

Dr. Pál Sonnevend

Enforcement of the Basic Values of the European Union

Dr. Petra Jeney

The EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Dr. Éva Lukács Gellérné

BREXIT and the Free Movement of Persons

Dr. Tamás Szabados

The Law of the Internal Market I.

Dr. Tamás Szabados

Companies in Private International Law - an EU Law Perspective

Dr. István Erdős

Doing Legal Profession/Business Around the World

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Péter Polt, Dr. Anna Doszpoth

International Criminal Law

Dr. Petra Bárd

EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice

Dr. Léna Podoletz

Policing and Crime prevention

Dr. Andrea Borbíró, Dr. Dávid Víg, Dr. Veronika Nagy, Dr. Csaba Győri

Understanding Punishment - Perceived and Objective Consequences of Crime

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted Criminals - Understanding White Collar Criminality

Dr. István Ambrus

Introduction to the Hungarian Substantive Criminal Law

Dr. Sára Hungler

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Dr. Sára Hungler, Dr. Ana Munoz Ruiz

European Labour Law

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Dr. Attila Sipos

Aerospace Law

Dr. Krisztina Arató

Multiple Crisis in the European Union

Dr. Tibor Mándi

American Politics and Government

András Varga

Political Culture in the European Union

Eszter Soós

French Politics

Eszter Soós

Political Analysis in Practice

Dr. József Málik

World Politics

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

prof. Dennis Campbell

Civil Liberties in the USA

Diane Fener

United States Constitutional Law and Civil Rights

Dr. Dávid Miklós Pusztai

International Investment Law

prof. Frans Vanistandael

International Tax Law

Dr. Péter Steiner

The international standards of Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
Dr Tomasz Jurczyk, Dr. Nóra Chronowszky Legal or political constitutionalism? The background of constitutional crisis in Poland and the constitutional backsliding in Hungary
Balázs Pásztory International Capital Markets

Prof. Helmut Rüssmann,
Prof. István Varga

Cross Border Contracts and Cross Border Dispute Resolution
Prof. Helmut Rüssmann,
Prof. István Varga
Introduction to European Civil Procedure – Brussels Ia Regulation

Dr. Ádám Fuglinszky

Einführung in das Ungarische Privatrecht

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Europäisches Arbeitsrecht

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Europarecht – Europäische Integration im Lichte der Rechtsprechung von EuGH und BVerfG

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Bürgerliches Recht I: Fallbesprechung zum Allgemeinen Teil des deutschen BGB

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Staatsrecht I: Fallbesprechung zum deutschen Staatsorganisationsrecht

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Staatsrecht I: Staatsorganisationsrecht nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I: Der Allgemeine Teil des deutschen BGB

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public francais I. (Institutions politiques)
Lexique du droit public francais I. (Institutions politiques)

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo



Prof. Attila Menyhárd

Human Rights in Private Law

Prof. Miklós Király

Law of Multinational Enterprises – Protection of Foreign Investments

Dr. Péter Hack, Dr. Anna Doszpoth

Transitional Justice

Dr. Réka Somssich

Litigation at the European Court of Justice – Preliminary references in Private International Law

Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Anna Doszpoth

European Criminal Law

Dr. Anna Doszpoth

Milestone cases of International Criminal Justice

Dr. István Erdős

Private International Law of the European Union

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

Dr. Petra Jeney

Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU

Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

Introduction to Hungarian Constitutional Law

Dr. Eszter Bodnár

Open Justice - Constitutional Standards and International Practice

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted Criminals - White-Collar Criminality

Dr. Anna Doszpoth

Criminological Theories and Empirical Studies

Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF)

European Tax Law

prof. Dennis Campbell

Civil Liberties in the USA

prof. Neil Tardiff

The Apellate System in the USA

Dr. Krisztina Rozsnyai

Judicial Review of Administrative Action

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Dr. Dávid Miklós Pusztai

International Investment Law

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

Dr. József Málik

World Politics

Eszter Soós

French Politics

Dr. Krisztina Arató

Multiple crisis in the European Union

Dr. Éva Bóka

Modernization of the States and the International Relations in a Historical Perspective (The Western World and East-Asia)

András Varga

Democracy in Europe

Dr. Tibor Mándi

American Politics and Government

Dr. Zoltán Fleck

Sociology of Human Rights

Dr. Katalin Sulyok

Regulating the environment – making and enforcing laws in the face of uncertain science

Dr. Nóra Chronowski

Global and European Constitutionalism

Balázs Pásztory

International Capital Market

prof. István Varga

Cross-border civil litigation and arbitration

Dr. Ádám Fuglinszky

Einführung in das ungarische Privatrecht

Dr. Anna Doszpoth


Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II: Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil des deutschen BGB

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Bürgerliches Recht II: Fallbesprechung zum Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Staatsrecht II: Grundrechte nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Staatsrecht II: Fallbesprechung zu den deutschen Grundrechten

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Arbeitsrecht: Einführung ins deutsche Individualarbeitsrecht

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public français II (Organisation de la justice en France)

Francois-Xavier Roux-Demare

Droit pénal européen approfondi

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Diritto Europeo in Italiano 2

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli




Prof. Attila Menyhárd

Hungarian Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective

Dr. Péter Hack

Transitional Justice

Dr. Petra Jeney

Advanced course on the Law of the European Union

Dr. Tamás Szabados

The Law of the Internal Market

Dr. Tamás Szabados

Companies in Private International Law

Dr. István Erdős

Doing Legal Profession/Business Around the World

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

Prof. Dr. Helmut Rüssmann

Crossborder Litigation and Arbitration

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rauscher

Jurisdiction and Enforcement under the new Burssels Ia- Reg

Prof. Frans Vanistendael

International Tax Law

Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Péter Polt, Dr. Anna Doszpoth

International Criminal Law

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted Criminals - Understanding White Collar Crime

Dr. Petra Bárd

EU Human Rights and Criminal Justice

Dr. Anna Doszpoth

How to Build a Dictatorship?

Dr. Sára Hungler

European Labour Rights

Dr. Sára Hungler

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Eszter Soós

French Politics

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

Dr. József Málik

World Politics

Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

Comparative Constitutional Law

Robert Stoll

US Corporate and Municipal Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law

Prof. Dennis Campbell (CILS)

Civil Liberties In the US

Dr. Pál Sonnenvend

Overview on the European Convention of Human Rights

Dr. Martin Skurek

Comparison of the administrative proceedings' legal regulation in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Dr. Dávid Miklós Pusztai

International Investment Law

Eszter Soós

Political Analysis in Practice

Dr. Anna Doszpoth

Milestone Cases of International Criminal Justice


Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I: Der Allgemeine Teil des deutschen BGB

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Bürgerliches Recht I – Fallbesprechung zum Allgemeinen Teil des deutschen BGB

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Staatsrecht I – Staatsorganisationsrecht nach dem deutschen Grundgesetz

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Staatsrecht I – Fallbesprechung zum deutschen Staatsorganisationsrecht

Erik Eggert (DAAD Fachlektor)

Europarecht – Europäische Integration im Lichte der Rechtsprechung von EuGH und BVerfG

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public français I (Institutions politiques)

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Italiano giuridico



Prof. Miklós Király

Law of Multinational Enterprises - Protection of Foreign Investments

Prof. Attila Menyhárd

Human Rights in Private Law

Dr. Péter Hack

Transitional Justice

Dr. Réka Somssich

Litigation at the European Court of Justice

Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Anna Doszpoth, Dr. Péter Polt

European Criminal Law

Dr. István Erdős

Private International Law of the European Union

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

Dr. István Erdős

EU Intellectual Property Law

Dr. Petra Jeney

Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU

Dr. Pál Sonnenvend

Law of the European Convention on Human Rights

Dr. Sára Hungler

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Dr. Sára Hungler

European Labour Rights

Dr. Eszter Bodnár, Dr. Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

Introduction to Hungarian Constitutional Law

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted Criminals - Understanding White-Collar Crime

Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF)

European Tax Law

Joseph Tringali

US Antitrust Law

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

Dr. József Málik

World Politics

Eszter Soós

French Politics

Dániel Mikecz

Democracy in Crisis? Contemporary Challanges of Participation

András Varga

Democracy in Europe

Dr. Tibor Mándi

Elections in the United States

Dr. Éva Bóka

Modernization of the States and the International Relations in a Historical Perspective (The Western World and East-Asia)

Dr. István Varga, Steffen Pabst

Regulations in the Field of European Civil Procedure (Brüssel-IIa, Service, Evidence, Maintenance, Succession, Small Claims, Payment Order)

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Grundkurs Verfassungsrecht II

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Fallrepetitorium Europarecht

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Europäisches Verbraucherrecht

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Europäisches Zivilverfahrensrecht

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Rechtsgrundlagen für wirtschaftliche Transaktionen in der EU II

Prof. Michael Wilding
(DAAD Fachlektor0)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht II

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public français II (Organisation de la justice)

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Italiano giuridicio 2

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Diritto Europeo in Italiano 2



Prof. Miklós Király

The Interface between Harmonization of Private International Law and Contract Law

Dr. Petra Jeney

Fundamental Rights Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights - an overview

Prof. Balázs Gellér, Dr. Péter Polt

International Criminal Law

Dr. József Málik

Political Game Theory

Dr. Péter Hack

Transitional Justice

Dr. Éva Inzelt

Trusted criminals; white collar criminality

Prof. Attila Menyhárd

Hungarian Tort Law in a Comparative Perspective

Dr. István Erdős

Doing legal profession/Business around the Globe

Dániel Mikecz

Democracy In Crisis? Contemporary Challenges of Participation

Dr. Tamás Szabados

Companies in Private International Law – An EU Law Perspective

Dr. Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz

Church and State and Freedom of Religion in Europe

Eszter Soós

French Politics

Dr. Sára Hungler

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Dr. István Erdős

International Commercial Arbitration

Éva Inzelt

Crime, Criminal Justice and Criminology

Dr. Gábor Attila Tóth

Human Rights Protection - General Overview and Critical Approaches

Dr. Attila Sipos

International Air Law

Prof. Dr. Helmut Rüssmann

Crossborder Litigation and Arbitration

Robert Skilton

Introduction to United States Bankruptcy Law

Prof. Frans Vanistendael (IBDF)

International Tax Law

Prof. Dennis Campbell (CILS)

Civil Liberties in the United States

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rauscher

Jurisdiction and Enforcement under the New Brussels I Regulation

Tamás Szabados

The law of the Internal Market 1

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Bürgerliches Recht I-Das deutsche BGB-Allgemeiner Teil

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Europäisches Verbraucherrecht

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Fallrepetitorium Europarecht

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Rechtsgrundlagen für wirtschaftliche Transaktionen in der EU I

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Grundkurs Verfassungsrecht I – Das deutsche Grundgesetz

Dr. Michael Wilding (DAAD Fachlektor)

Europäisches Zivilverfahrensrecht

Dr. Zsófia Wagner

Les techniques de négociation dans l’UE

Dr. Zsuzsanna Kovács

Lexique du droit public français I (Institutions politiques)

Dr. Réka Somssich

La libre circulation des personnes

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Corso Integrativo di Diritto Europeo

Dr. Alessandro Gilioli

Diritto Comparato (Sistemi Giuridici Ungherese-Italiano) I